Trendy Fall Fashion For Any It Girl Looking to Stand Out

Trendy fall fashion for any It girl looking to stand out consists of taking risks and adding pops of color! As a former neutrals-only girlie, I can attest to the increase in compliments I’ve received when I add pops of color to my outfits. It could even be as small as a belt. Additionally, being open-minded to new trends helps me stand out while staying true to my style.

fall fashion | fall outfits | pinterest outfits | black leather shorts paired with a striped sweater, black loafers with sheer socks, and a crescent shaped bag | cheetah print jumpsuit paired with chunky boots, a turquoise bag and black belt bag | black girl fasHION

Fall fashion is my favorite because I love styling layers, chunky boots, and more! Leather shorts are perfect for transitioning from summer to fall. Having a striped sweater will be everywhere this fall, so they’re now considered a staple trendy piece like blazers. Trendy fall fashion moments are also spotted in the loafers I’m wearing and the chunky lug boots my mom is wearing!

I took some risks with my outfit by picking a striped sweater vest instead of a sweater. Printed sheer socks instead of white mid-length socks add spice to the outfit. Mid-length socks and striped sweaters are trendy fash fashion pieces, but I added a twist. These twists are simple but elevate the outfit to stand out. You’ll also notice my loafers are laced instead of slip-on!

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