Dear Me: What would your love note to yourself say?

If you were to write yourself a love note what would you say? I stumbled upon an article by HuffPost where individuals wrote love notes to themselves. My favorite note was, “Love yourself every day, be yourself every day. Going forward, be authentic, vulnerable, imperfect and always live your life to the fullest.” I love that the author gave themselves permission to be imperfect. Sometimes we can be our worst critic. Instead we need to be our very own biggest cheerleader and motivator.

Instead of waiting on Valentine’s Day I shared my love note to myself on Instagram and asked my audience to share theirs. Here is mine as well as some of my  favorites from my Instagram audience.

love note

A Love Note -:


Dear me: Don’t forget to just breathe, Rome was not built in a day. And don’t forget that failing is part of winning. Love always your biggest fan!


Dear me: You are a beautiful, confident, and strong woman. Your imperfections are what makes you unique and YOU! Always stay true to yourself


Dear me, be gentle with yourself and be strong. Love, You.


Dear me: Si piensas algo bueno para ti hazlo. No dejes de escuchar pero haz lo que te haga feliz. Te quiero


Dear me, you are enough. I love you


Dear me: Be successful because the sky is the limit !! Everything is possible.


Dear Me: Never stop dreaming!

I took something from each of these love notes as they are a reminder that within each of us there’s a superstar waiting to soar. What would you write to yourself? Share in comments so we can all be inspired!

I wore this outfit on my trip to Rome while sightseeing at the Vatican and the Vatican postbox inspired this post. Be sure to check out my travel tips and shop these fab pants from SHEIN and the rest of my outfit now!

love note

love note

love note


Leave a Comment

  1. 9.15.18
    Michelle said:

    This is such a wonderful and cute post! I feel like we often think of others first, so this is a great way to give ourselves encouragement!

  2. 9.1.18
    Shannon said:

    Such a cute post idea! I love love love this & you are ROCKING that yellow! x Shannon •

  3. 9.1.18
    Eve Ksabi said:

    What a beautiful blog and much needed you gave me inspiration to do the same and remind myself I’m worthy everyday.
    The Rome picture are so so beautiful can’t wait to visit .

  4. 8.31.18

    Loved reading this post! So uplifting and your beautiful!!!

  5. 8.31.18
    Heather said:

    This is such a great idea. I might have to write one myself!

  6. 8.31.18
    Jennifer said:

    This is such an amazing idea!! Sometimes we need to give ourselves words of encouragement!

    Effortlessly Sophisticated

  7. 8.31.18
    Nikki said:

    Hmm, I would have to think about what a love letter to myself would say. I know there is always that saying though, that you need to love yourself first. Us women normally need to work on that more, since we tend to put others first. Your outfit is so cute babe, I am about to stock up on some shein items!

  8. 8.31.18
    Ashh said:

    I love the imperfect keyword too. It gives us so much room for error and not feel guilty about it.

  9. 8.31.18
    Jo said:

    This made my heart happy doll !

    • 8.31.18
      niquiwp said:

      Awwwww so glad Jo!

  10. 8.31.18
    Lexie said:

    This is a good exercis! Self love is important!

    • 8.31.18
      niquiwp said:

      I think so too! Thank you Lexie.

  11. 8.31.18
    Tinseldot said:

    This beautiful post is priceless! And its my favorite in the whole wide world❤️Self love means so much!
    Thank you for sharing my letter.


    • 8.31.18
      niquiwp said:

      Its empowering to read everyone’s note. Virtual group hug called for!


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